Exhibition /
The OLKAS Exhibition arrives to Crimea
On December 13th 2013 the exhibition of medieval ports from the northern Aegean, Black and Caspian Seas produced by Culture Center of Thessaloniki (Greece), European Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments (Thessaloniki, Greece) and Branch of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture (Odessa, Ukraine) in the framework of the EU-funded project “OLKAS: From the Aegean to the Black Sea. Medieval Ports in the Maritime Routes of the East” was opened in the Central Museum of Tauris in Simferopol (Crimea, Ukraine).
Over 50 people visited the official opening ceremony including Director of the Branch of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture Mr. Sofronis Paradeisopoulos, Director General of the Central Museum of Tauris Dr. Andriy Malgin, Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Ministry of Ukraine in Simferopol Mr. Serhiy Tatartsev, Head of the Crimean Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation Mrs. Larisa Opanasiuk, Director of the Crimean Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies Dr. Oleksandr Aybabin, Head of the Department of History at Tauric National University Dr. Oleksandr Hertsen as well as officials and researchers from other Crimean museums and student from local institutions. The ceremony was accompanied by traditional Greek dances performed by the local folk-dance ensemble “ΠΑΤΡΙΔΑ”.
The exhibition will remain in the Central Museum of Tauris until late February 2014. It is anticipated that afterwards the exhibition will be moved to the Museum of Sudak Fortress, also in Crimea (March – May 2014), and then to St. Sophia National Preserve in Kiev.
For the information about the exhibition in Ukrainian and Russian languages one can visit Internet resources of the Branch of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture (www.hfcodessa.org) and the Central Museum of Tauris (http://tavrida.museum.crimea.ua/index.php/news/general-museum-news/item/598-otkrytie-vystavki-srednevekovye-porty-v-morskikh-marshrutakh-vostoka-egejskoe-chjornoe-kaspijskoe-morya).
Sofronis Paradisopoulos