Partners /
Museum for National History and Archaeology from Constanţa
The Museum for National History and Archaeology Constanţa (MNHAC) is situated in the old centre of Constanţa (Romania).
The archaeological richness of Dobroudja region is presented in its large exhibition rooms. The building itself is an example of Romanian architecture. It was built in 1921 and in 1977 it became MNHAC’s headquarter. It now shelters and displays several collections (glass, jewelry, numismatic, pipe and sculpture collection) and various artifacts, dating from prehistory to contemporary times, chronologically exhibited on the first and second floors. MNHAC also has a research department. Its activity is represented by archaeological campaigns carried on well known dobroudjan sites, encouraging the disemination of information obtained during each research by organizing each year the National Symposium Pontica and by its editorial activity.
The annual journal, Pontica, has been constantly published since 1968. This journal is also the object of a book exchange program established with over 200 institutions and institutes from Romania and from abroad. Being situated in a center with a rich historical meaning (ancient Tomis) MNHAC is one of the most important cultural institutions in Constanţa.
Contact Details:
Museum for National History and Archaeology Constanta
Ovidiu Square no. 12,
900745 Constanţa
Tel.:0040 – 241 – 614562, fax: 0040 – 241 – 618763
E-mail: minaconstanta@gmail.com
Site : www.minac.ro, http://revistapontica.wordpress.com/