Partners /
Istanbul University
Dating back to the 15th century, Istanbul University is the oldest institution of higher education in Turkey. One of the biggest faculties of the university, “Faculty of Letters” (Humanities and Social Sciences) has 21 departments including the “Department of Conservation and Restoration”. There are two divisions within the department. “Division of General Conservation” offers four years bachelor degree with the main focus on conservation and restoration of archaeological artifacts. Founded in 2009, “Division of Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects” is the only academic organization in Turkey studying on the conservation of archaeological objects found underwater or in wet archaeological sites and offers the only master degree in this field. In addditon to OLKAS Project, division’s staff has been carried out important projects such as the conservation and reconstruction of 27 Medieval shipwrecks found during the subway construction at Istanbul’s Yenikapı district where a former Byzantine harbor was situated.
Contact Details:
Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters
Department of Conservation and Restoration, Division of Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects.
Address: Ordu Cad. 34459 Laleli Fatih/İSTANBUL-TURKEY
Phone: +902124555700-15743
Fax: +902124555743
Web site. www.istanbul.edu.tr