Partners /
European Centre of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments
The European Centre of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments was established in Thessaloniki in 1997. It is a non-profit organization and is supervised by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education, Religion, Culture and Sport. It is activated outside Greece, in Middle East, Balkan Peninsula and Black Sea, where there are preserved monuments of Byzantine culture or under its influence. Its aim is to provide the knowhow and to develop international partnerships in order to support projects which concern the restoration, the maintenance and the promotion of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments in European as well is in international level.
Another area that EKBMM is activated is the implementation of European programs for the documentation and digitization of cultural products, the creation of databases, the networking and the promotion of tourism through culture, with attendant benefits for the economic boost of the local communities of SE Europe, of the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. The activity of EKBMM includes also the creation and the promotion of a network of digital applications in order to inform and raise public awareness on issues related to the Byzantine culture.
Contact Details:
Address: Leoforos Stratou 2
54013, Thessaloniki
Phone (+30) 2310 889830
Fax (+30) 2310 853078
E-mail info@ekbmm.gr